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当前位置:新华医药网 > 药品招商 > 康斯健蜂胶软胶囊
    信息编号:25808 13522次浏览
  • 【招商地区】全国
  • 【产品规格】康斯健蜂胶软胶囊
  • 【产品大类】营养保健
  • 【产品小类】大保健产品 免疫调节 调节血糖 抑制肿瘤
  • 【供应商】北京康斯健科技发展中心
  • 招商信息详情
[规  格]0.5g/粒X60粒
     This product is health food made by using the Propolis, Gather 400 ethylene glycol、 Gelatin, Glycerin, water as the main materials, proved has the health care function of improve the immunity by animal function test. 
[Ingredient] Propolis, Gather 400 ethylene glycol, Gelatin, Glycerin, water
[Efficiency ingredient and content] Every 100g contains: Total flavone 4.12g
[Health care function] Improve the immunity 
[Suitable group] The one who has the low immunity 
[Dosage] 2 softgels a time, 2 times per day

[规  格]0.5g/粒X60粒
     This product is health food made by using the Propolis, Gather 400 ethylene glycol、 Gelatin, Glycerin, water as the main materials, proved has the health care function of improve the immunity by animal function test. 
[Ingredient] Propolis, Gather 400 ethylene glycol, Gelatin, Glycerin, water
[Efficiency ingredient and content] Every 100g contains: Total flavone 4.12g
[Health care function] Improve the immunity 
[Suitable group] The one who has the low immunity 
[Dosage] 2 softgels a time, 2 times per day

康斯健蜂胶软胶囊   本品是以蜂胶、聚乙二醇400、明胶、甘油、水为主要原料制成的保健食品,经动物功能试验证明,具有增强免疫力的保健功能。 [主要原料]蜂胶、聚乙二醇400、明胶、甘油、水 [功效成分/标志性成分及含量]每100g含:总黄酮4.12g [保健功能]增强免疫力 [适宜人群]免疫力低下者 [不适宜人群]少年儿童 [食用方法及食用量]每日2次,每次2粒 [规 格]0.5g/粒X60粒 [保质期]24个月 [贮藏方法]密闭、置于阴凉干燥处 [注意事项]本品不能代替药物;蜂产品过敏者慎用 [生产日期及批号]见瓶底     This product is health food made by using the Propolis, Gather 400 ethylene glycol、 Gelatin, Glycerin, water as the main materials, proved has the health care function of improve the immunity by animal function test. [Ingredient] Propolis, Gather 400 ethylene glycol, Gelatin, Glycerin, water [Efficiency ingredient and content] Every 100g contains: Total flavone 4.12g [Health care function] Improve the immunity [Suitable group] The one who has the low immunity [Dosage] 2 softgels a time, 2 times per day
康斯健蜂胶软胶囊   本品是以蜂胶、聚乙二醇400、明胶、甘油、水为主要原料制成的保健食品,经动物功能试验证明,具有增强免疫力的保健功能。 [主要原料]蜂胶、聚乙二醇400、明胶、甘油、水 [功效成分/标志性成分及含量]每100g含:总黄酮4.12g [保健功能]增强免疫力 [适宜人群]免疫力低下者 [不适宜人群]少年儿童 [食用方法及食用量]每日2次,每次2粒 [规 格]0.5g/粒X60粒 [保质期]24个月 [贮藏方法]密闭、置于阴凉干燥处 [注意事项]本品不能代替药物;蜂产品过敏者慎用 [生产日期及批号]见瓶底     This product is health food made by using the Propolis, Gather 400 ethylene glycol、 Gelatin, Glycerin, water as the main materials, proved has the health care function of improve the immunity by animal function test. [Ingredient] Propolis, Gather 400 ethylene glycol, Gelatin, Glycerin, water [Efficiency ingredient and content] Every 100g contains: Total flavone 4.12g [Health care function] Improve the immunity [Suitable group] The one who has the low immunity [Dosage] 2 softgels a time, 2 times per day
康斯健蜂胶软胶囊   本品是以蜂胶、聚乙二醇400、明胶、甘油、水为主要原料制成的保健食品,经动物功能试验证明,具有增强免疫力的保健功能。 [主要原料]蜂胶、聚乙二醇400、明胶、甘油、水 [功效成分/标志性成分及含量]每100g含:总黄酮4.12g [保健功能]增强免疫力 [适宜人群]免疫力低下者 [不适宜人群]少年儿童 [食用方法及食用量]每日2次,每次2粒 [规 格]0.5g/粒X60粒 [保质期]24个月 [贮藏方法]密闭、置于阴凉干燥处 [注意事项]本品不能代替药物;蜂产品过敏者慎用 [生产日期及批号]见瓶底     This product is health food made by using the Propolis, Gather 400 ethylene glycol、 Gelatin, Glycerin, water as the main materials, proved has the health care function of improve the immunity by animal function test. [Ingredient] Propolis, Gather 400 ethylene glycol, Gelatin, Glycerin, water [Efficiency ingredient and content] Every 100g contains: Total flavone 4.12g [Health care function] Improve the immunity [Suitable group] The one who has the low immunity [Dosage] 2 softgels a time, 2 times per day
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