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    信息编号:25816 13277次浏览
  • 【招商地区】全国
  • 【产品规格】康斯健铁锌钙咀嚼片
  • 【产品大类】营养保健
  • 【产品小类】大保健产品 免疫调节
  • 【供应商】北京康斯健科技发展中心
  • 招商信息详情
The product is made from calcium carbonate, iron pyrophosphate, lactic acid zinc, powdered milk, vitamin D3, glucose as the main raw materials. It has health care functions of iron, zinc,and calcium supplements.
【Main Ingredients】Calcium carbonate, iron pyrophosphate, lactic acid zinc, powdered milk, vitamin D3, and glucose
【Effectiveness of Ingredients】Contain calcium 15g, iron 310mg, and zinc 320mg per 100g
【Health Function】Iron, zinc,and calcium supplements 
【Recommended For】Adolescents who need  iron, zinc, and calcium supplements; women on medium and late pregnancy stage, and middle-aged and elderly people

The product is made from calcium carbonate, iron pyrophosphate, lactic acid zinc, powdered milk, vitamin D3, glucose as the main raw materials. It has health care functions of iron, zinc,and calcium supplements.
【Main Ingredients】Calcium carbonate, iron pyrophosphate, lactic acid zinc, powdered milk, vitamin D3, and glucose
【Effectiveness of Ingredients】Contain calcium 15g, iron 310mg, and zinc 320mg per 100g
【Health Function】Iron, zinc,and calcium supplements 
【Recommended For】Adolescents who need  iron, zinc, and calcium supplements; women on medium and late pregnancy stage, and middle-aged and elderly people

康斯健铁锌钙咀嚼片 本品以碳酸钙、焦磷酸铁、乳酸锌、奶粉、维生素D3、葡萄糖、乳糖、改性淀粉、柠檬酸、柠檬酸钠、食用明胶、糊精、日落黄、菠萝香精、硬脂酸镁为主要原料制成的保健食品,具有补充铁、锌、钙的保健功能。【主要原料】碳酸钙、焦磷酸铁、乳酸锌、奶粉、维生素D3、葡萄糖、乳糖、改性淀粉、柠檬酸、柠檬酸钠、食用明胶、糊精、日落黄、菠萝香精、硬脂酸镁【功效成分及含量】每100g含:钙15g、铁310mg、锌320mg 【保健功能】补充铁、锌、钙【适宜人群】需要补充铁、锌、钙的青少年、妊娠中晚期妇女及中老年人. 【不适宜人群】10岁以下儿童【食用方法及食用量】每日2次,每次2片,咀嚼【产品规格】0.8g/片X60片【保质期】24个月【贮藏方法】密封、置干燥通风处【注意事项】本品不能代替药物;不宜超过推荐量或与同类营养素补充剂同时食用【生产日期及批号】见瓶底 The product is made from calcium carbonate, iron pyrophosphate, lactic acid zinc, powdered milk, vitamin D3, glucose as the main raw materials. It has health care functions of iron, zinc,and calcium supplements. 【Main Ingredients】Calcium carbonate, iron pyrophosphate, lactic acid zinc, powdered milk, vitamin D3, and glucose 【Effectiveness of Ingredients】Contain calcium 15g, iron 310mg, and zinc 320mg per 100g 【Health Function】Iron, zinc,and calcium supplements 【Recommended For】Adolescents who need iron, zinc, and calcium supplements; women on medium and late pregnancy stage, and middle-aged and elderly people
康斯健铁锌钙咀嚼片 本品以碳酸钙、焦磷酸铁、乳酸锌、奶粉、维生素D3、葡萄糖、乳糖、改性淀粉、柠檬酸、柠檬酸钠、食用明胶、糊精、日落黄、菠萝香精、硬脂酸镁为主要原料制成的保健食品,具有补充铁、锌、钙的保健功能。【主要原料】碳酸钙、焦磷酸铁、乳酸锌、奶粉、维生素D3、葡萄糖、乳糖、改性淀粉、柠檬酸、柠檬酸钠、食用明胶、糊精、日落黄、菠萝香精、硬脂酸镁【功效成分及含量】每100g含:钙15g、铁310mg、锌320mg 【保健功能】补充铁、锌、钙【适宜人群】需要补充铁、锌、钙的青少年、妊娠中晚期妇女及中老年人. 【不适宜人群】10岁以下儿童【食用方法及食用量】每日2次,每次2片,咀嚼【产品规格】0.8g/片X60片【保质期】24个月【贮藏方法】密封、置干燥通风处【注意事项】本品不能代替药物;不宜超过推荐量或与同类营养素补充剂同时食用【生产日期及批号】见瓶底 The product is made from calcium carbonate, iron pyrophosphate, lactic acid zinc, powdered milk, vitamin D3, glucose as the main raw materials. It has health care functions of iron, zinc,and calcium supplements. 【Main Ingredients】Calcium carbonate, iron pyrophosphate, lactic acid zinc, powdered milk, vitamin D3, and glucose 【Effectiveness of Ingredients】Contain calcium 15g, iron 310mg, and zinc 320mg per 100g 【Health Function】Iron, zinc,and calcium supplements 【Recommended For】Adolescents who need iron, zinc, and calcium supplements; women on medium and late pregnancy stage, and middle-aged and elderly people
康斯健铁锌钙咀嚼片 本品以碳酸钙、焦磷酸铁、乳酸锌、奶粉、维生素D3、葡萄糖、乳糖、改性淀粉、柠檬酸、柠檬酸钠、食用明胶、糊精、日落黄、菠萝香精、硬脂酸镁为主要原料制成的保健食品,具有补充铁、锌、钙的保健功能。【主要原料】碳酸钙、焦磷酸铁、乳酸锌、奶粉、维生素D3、葡萄糖、乳糖、改性淀粉、柠檬酸、柠檬酸钠、食用明胶、糊精、日落黄、菠萝香精、硬脂酸镁【功效成分及含量】每100g含:钙15g、铁310mg、锌320mg 【保健功能】补充铁、锌、钙【适宜人群】需要补充铁、锌、钙的青少年、妊娠中晚期妇女及中老年人. 【不适宜人群】10岁以下儿童【食用方法及食用量】每日2次,每次2片,咀嚼【产品规格】0.8g/片X60片【保质期】24个月【贮藏方法】密封、置干燥通风处【注意事项】本品不能代替药物;不宜超过推荐量或与同类营养素补充剂同时食用【生产日期及批号】见瓶底 The product is made from calcium carbonate, iron pyrophosphate, lactic acid zinc, powdered milk, vitamin D3, glucose as the main raw materials. It has health care functions of iron, zinc,and calcium supplements. 【Main Ingredients】Calcium carbonate, iron pyrophosphate, lactic acid zinc, powdered milk, vitamin D3, and glucose 【Effectiveness of Ingredients】Contain calcium 15g, iron 310mg, and zinc 320mg per 100g 【Health Function】Iron, zinc,and calcium supplements 【Recommended For】Adolescents who need iron, zinc, and calcium supplements; women on medium and late pregnancy stage, and middle-aged and elderly people
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